Monday, September 13, 2010

Fun Times in Tell City

September 12, 2010
We are having so much fun here in Tell City. It is hard to believe we have been gone from home for 3 months. Time flies when you are having fun!..Elder Foote (that is what I call him and he calls me Sister Foote) and I got a list of all the church members in this branch and we have been going by to visit and get to know them. We have met some wonderful people. They are so friendly and nice to us. The branch covers about 50 square miles so we have been driving around a lot. (Thank goodness for our GPS!) There is a lot of farmland here. We've seen lots of corn, soybean and coffee fields. The land looks rich. Everything is green. There are lots of trees, but no pine trees. I don't know if these are considered large hills or small mountains up here, but I've seen some roads that look like great fun for sledding when it snows! I hope I can control myself this winter. I'm told that they do not usually have a white Christmas, but there is more hope here than at home. I'll just pray a lot. In the meantime, fall is approaching. The weather is starting to cool and the fall foliage is beginning to show. In 2 or 3 weeks we should see lots of color on the hillsides.

We have been greatly blessed on our mission. We are enjoying good health and I think we have more energy now than we have had in years. We have no stress in our lives, and we enjoy sharing our feelings of love and gratitude for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our whole purpose in life right now is to invite others to come unto Christ. We just want to reach out and help others realize the importance of following Jesus plan. It is the way to have peace and happiness in this life as well as the life to come. We consider it a privilege and a wonderful opportunity to be serving God in this way.

We miss our family and friends, but we are not homesick. We love hearing from you and appreciate all letters and e-mails.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and I LOVE how happy you and Chuck are! You two are definitely an inspiration to me....maybe you'll wear off on me. I miss you but I know this is where you should be right now!
    Oh! You missed the compliment you got today at the office...Margie Barton dropped by and we were talking about you and she said that you were the SWEETEST thing Ever! I knew you would love to hear that. lol
